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Aerosol logologo

Enabling anyone to launch community projects on Solana.

Aerosol provides a comprehensive, accessible toolkit for:
Token deployment
Community engagement
Listing Support

Born from and backed by


1.0.0: MVP (Minimum Viable Product)Complete
Target Date: Apr 05, 2024
Apr 13, 2024
  • Technology Stack SelectionDetermine the optimal technologies for the project, considering scalability, performance, and team expertise.
  • Brand IdentityDesign and create branding elements, including logos, color schemes, and typography, to establish a strong visual identity.
  • Project ArchitectureEstablish the core architecture of the project, defining its overall structure and design patterns to ensure robustness and maintainability.
  • Wallet AuthenticationImplement secure authentication mechanisms by integrating with Phantom and Solflare wallets for user identification and access control.
  • AI ArchitectureDevelop the initial framework for AI functionalities, laying the groundwork for all future AI-driven features and capabilities.
  • E-Commerce InfrastructureCreate infrastructure for all payments that will be done within the platform, enabling users to buy goods and services within the platform.
  • Token MintingAllow users to create (mint) their own tokens within the platform.
  • Token ImportAllow users to import their existing tokens into the platform by token address
  • Token Metadata UpdateImplement functionality allowing users to update their token metadata after initial minting.
  • Mint Authority RevocationAllow users to revoke the minting authority, ensuring no more tokens can ever be created.
  • Freeze Authority RevocationAllow users to remove freeze authority. This is necessary before you are allowed to setup a liquidity pool.
  • Token ImmutabilityAllow users to make their tokens immutable, improving the risk profile of the token.
  • Tokenomics SetupAssist the user in creating a comprehensive and transparent tokenomics model, outlining how the tokens have been distributed after minting.
  • Roadmap SetupAssist the user in creating a detailed and structured roadmap, providing clear visibility into the project’s future plans and milestones.
  • FAQ Section CreationCompile and publish a FAQ section to address common questions and provide support for users.
  • Automated Website Generation ToolAfter all information has been collected, generate a website for the token.
  • Deployment to staging environmentDeploy to staging environment for internal testing against testnet.
  • Deployment to production (for testing only)Deploy to production and mainnet for the purposes of testing. The official launch date will be provided by the team later on.
1.1.0: MarketplaceComplete
Target Date: Apr 20, 2024
Apr 22, 2024
  • Openbook Market CreationCreate an Openbook market which is required in order to setup a liquidity pool.
  • Liquidity Pool CreationEstablish a liquidity pool to enable everyone in the Solana ecosystem to buy the token in question.
1.2.0: Search and Discovery
Target Date: May 10, 2024
May 25, 2024
  • Automatic Token ImportsAutomatically import token projects that have sufficient liquidity.
  • Price and Market InfoAutomatically import and refresh real time price and market data from the Solana blockchain.
  • Full-text searchAllow users to search for tokens, communities, and projects using full-text search.
  • Sorting and FilteringAllow users to sort and filter search results based on various criteria.
1.3.0: All About the Buyers
Target Date: May 17, 2024
  • BuyAllow users to buy tokens right from within Aerosol
  • Risk AnalysisProvide a risk analysis for each token to protect the user as much as possible from rug pulls.
  • LikesAllow buyers to like and track their favorite tokens in a separate list.
  • Track BuysKeep track of all the tokens users buy within Aerosol.
1.4.0: [Data] Power to the People
Target Date: Jun 29, 2024
  • Date AddedShow date added of tokens so users can quickly detect when a token became tradeable.
  • CategorizationAutomatically categorize tokens as they are imported using AI.
  • ModerationAutomatically ban any scam tokens or any tokens associated with hate, self-harm, and sexual content involving minors.
  • More FiltersAdd new filters: Jupiter verified, Liquidity (TVL), Holders, Release Date, Launchpad
  • Trending ListsShow trending lists in Aerosol so that users can take advantage of opportunities in the market.
1.5.0: Burn the ROD
Target Date: Aug 26, 2024
  • RodcineratorUse the SOL (and any other valuable tokens) in the Rodcinerator account to purchase and burn $RODAI.
  • Burn NotificationsNotify RODAI holders about the burn via Telegram.
  • Tribute NotificationsNotify RODAI holders whenever a token tribute is made to the Rodcinerator via Telegram.
  • Burn ReportShow a $RODAI burn report on Aerosol. Allow users to also run a command on Telegram to see the burn report.
  • Aerosol IncineratorAllow comrods to burn and close their token accounts within Aerosol. This will allow them to reclaim some of their SOL while at the same time help the team and burn some ROD.
1.6.0: Wen better launches? - Thanks, Franchot ($BOTA) and M2!
  • Transfer FeesAllow users to mint a token with the transfer fee extension.
  • Aerosol Launch SpotlightSpotlight tokens launched on Aerosol.
  • Harvest and Withdraw Transfer FeesAllow creators to harvest and withdraw their transfer fees.
  • Revoke Transfer Fee Config AuthorityAllow creators to revoke their transfer fee authority.
  • Drop Openbook MarketsOpenbook markets are expensive; let's drop em'.
  • New Raydium CLMM poolsIntegrate with the new Raydium CLMM pool protocol to provide liquidity for tokens with transfer fees and also skip Openbook Market fees.
  • Token Creator Likes TrackerAllow token creators to see who has liked their project.
  • Token Creator Views TrackerAllow token creators to see who has viewed their project.
  • Token Creator Shares TrackerAllow token creators to see who has shared their project.
  • AirdropsAllow token creators to take snapshot and execute airdrops.
1.7.0: Aerosocial
  • Web2 AuthenticationAllow users to authenticate using their Web2 accounts instead of having to connect their wallets.
  • ViewsTrack views and show users how many times a token has been viewed.
  • SharesTrack shares and show users how many times a token has been shared.
  • AeroterminalImplement our terminal instead of using Jupiter's so that we can improve user experience and have more precision when collecting our platform fees.
  • DiscoverabilityAdd innovative ways for users to find new tokens.
  • Community CommentsImplement a system for collecting community feedback and comments, enabling users to share their thoughts about the project.
  • X Trending ListsRegularly posts trending lists on X to showcase and interact with other communities in a consistent manner.
  • CrowdfundingCommunities have goals that sometimes require funding. Aerosol will provide a platform for communities to raise funds for their strategic goals.
1.8.0: Website Customization
  • Website CustomizationAllow administrators to customize the website to match their brand identity, ensuring a consistent and professional appearance.
1.9.0: Liquidity Pool Management
  • Adding LiquidityAllow admin to add liquidity to the liquidity pool.
  • Removing LiquidityAllow admin to remove liquidity from the liquidity pool.
  • Pool ManagementAllow admins to create an manage multiple liquidity pools.
1.10.0: Professional Services
  • Telegram Group SetupAerosol will provide full support in setting up a Telegram group for the community in question.
  • Discord Server SetupAerosol will provide full support in setting up a Discord server for the community in question.
  • Stickers and GIF CreationAerosol will produce high-quality stickers, GIFs and other media content for engaging and motivating the community.
  • Community Management AssistanceAerosol will place a community manager or moderators to assist in the day-to-day management of the community.
  • Marketing Campaigns SupportSupport and guide the execution of marketing campaigns to boost platform awareness and user engagement.
1.11.0: Listing Support
  • CoinMarketCap Listing SupportProvide guidance and support for listing the platform’s token on CoinMarketCap, enhancing visibility and credibility.
  • CoinGecko Listing SupportFacilitate the process of listing on CoinGecko, aiming to increase the token’s accessibility and market presence.
  • Jupiter VerificationOffer assistance in getting verified by Jupiter, ensuring compliance and broadening the token’s reach.
  • Centralized Exchange Listing SupportProvide expert advice and steps for listing the platform’s token on centralized exchanges, expanding trading opportunities.
1.12.0: Other Utilities
  • RAID Helper UtilityInformation about this feature is not available at this time.
  • RAID Sniper UtilityInformation about this feature is not available at this time.
  • Token LockIntegrate with Streamflow to provide token lock functionality right from the platform.